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struct Interval(S) if (isFloatingPoint!S);
Major data unit of the Flex algorithm. It is used to store - (cached) values of the transformation (and its derivatives) - area below the hat and squeeze function - linked-list like reference to the right part of the interval (there will always be exactly one interval with right = 0)
S lx;
left position of the interval
S rx;
right position of the interval
S c;
T_c family of the interval
S ltx;
transformed left value of lx
S lt1x;
transformed value of the first derivate of the left lx value
S lt2x;
transformed value of the second derivate of the left lx value
S rtx;
transformed right value of rx
S rt1x;
transformed value of the first derivate of the right rx value
S rt2x;
transformed value of the second derivate of the right rx value
LinearFun!S hat;
hat function of the interval
LinearFun!S squeeze;
squeeze function of the interval
S hatArea;
calculated area of the integrated hat function
S squeezeArea;
calculated area of the integrated squeeze function
string logHex();
enum FunType: int;
Notations of different function types according to Botts et al. (2013). It is based on this naming scheme:
- a: concAve - b: convex - Type 4 is the pure case without any inflection point
FunType determineType(S)(in Interval!S iv);
Determine the function type of an interval. Based on Theorem 1 of the Flex paper.
Interval!S iv interval
struct LinearFun(S);
Representation of linear function of the form:
y = slope * (x - y) + a
This representation allows a bit higher precision than the typical representation y = slope * x + a.
S slope;
direction and steepness (aka beta)
S y;
boundary point where f obtains it's maximum
S a;
constant intercept
this(S slope, S y, S a);
S slope direction and steepness
S y boundary point, often f(x)
S a constant intercept
const void toString(W)(auto ref W w, ref const FormatSpec!char fmt);
textual representation of the function
const S opCall(in S x);
call the linear function with x
const S inverse(S x);
calculate inverse of x
string logHex();
LinearFun!S linearFun(S)(S slope, S y, S a);
Constructs a linear function of the form y = slope * (x - y) + a.
S slope direction and steepness
S y boundary point, often f(x)
S a constant intercept
A linear function constructed with the given parameters.
tangent of a point
import std.format : format;
auto f = (double x) => x * x + 1;
auto df = (double x) => 2 * x;
auto buildTan = (double x) => linearFun(df(x), x, f(x));

auto t0 = buildTan(0);
assert("%l".format(t0)== "1");
assert(t0(0) == 1);
assert(t0(42) == 1);

auto t1 = buildTan(1);
assert("%l".format(t1) == "2x");
assert(t1(1) == 2);
assert(t1(2) == 4);

auto t2 = buildTan(2);
assert("%l".format(t2) == "4x - 3");
assert(t2(1) == 1);
assert(t2(2) == 5);
secant of two points
import std.format : format;
auto f = (double x) => x * x + 1;
auto lx = 1, rx = 3;
// compute the slope between lx and rx
auto lf = linearFun((f(rx) - f(lx)) / (rx - lx), lx, f(lx));

assert("%l".format(lf) == "4x - 2");
assert(lf(1) == 2); // f(1)
assert(lf(3) == 10); // f(3)
construct an arbitrary linear function
import std.format : format;

// 2 * x + 1
auto t = linearFun!double(2, 0, 1);
assert("%l".format(t) == "2x + 1");
assert(t(1) == 3);
assert(t(-2) == -3);
bool approxEqual(S)(LinearFun!S x, LinearFun!S y, S maxRelDiff = 0.01, S maxAbsDiff = 1e-05);
Compares whether to linear functions are approximately equal.
LinearFun!S x first linear function to compare
LinearFun!S y second linear function to compare
S maxRelDiff maximum relative difference
S maxAbsDiff maximum absolute difference
True if both linear functions are approximately equal.
auto x = linearFun!double(2, 0, 1);
auto x2 = linearFun!double(2, 0, 1);

auto y = linearFun!double(2, 1e-9, 1);

auto z = linearFun!double(2, 4, 1);